Short Synopsis (80 words):
At a crossroads, American filmmaker Walter Dominguez embarks on a life-changing quest to uncover mysteries in the life of his saintly Mexican-born grandfather, Reverend Emilio Hernandez, and to fulfill his grandfather’s dying wish to locate his long lost family of origin. Traveling through California, Texas and Mexico, Walter discovers Emilio’s involvement with courageous Mexican and American revolutionaries fighting for social justice in tragically oppressed Mexico. His search finally leads him to his grandfather’s family in Mexico, and redemption for himself.
Medium Length Synopsis (192 Words):
Weaving the Past: Journey of Discovery is a multi-layered documentary film that centers on uncovering mysteries in the early life of the filmmaker Walter Dominguez’s remarkable Mexican-born immigrant grandfather, Reverend Emilio N. Hernandez, and fulfilling his grandfather’s dying wish to locate his family of origin after a century apart. Finding himself at a crossroads in his life, Walter decides to embark on a quest to find the answers to the many questions he has about his grandfather. He travels in California, Texas and Mexico locating and interviewing people who offer clues and vital information. This quest reveals that Emilio was intimately associated with important Mexican and American historic persons in the crucial years leading up to the Mexican Revolution one hundred years ago, and that he was an active participant with these people in extraordinary and heroic activities to bring social and economic justice to the people of Mexico, and to Mexican immigrants in the US Southwest. Walter’s search also leads him to fulfill his grandfather’s dying wish to find Emilio’s long lost relatives. In the process of completing this odyssey, Walter finds redemption for himself, and a renewed sense of purpose.